Abbott and

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Bankruptcy Attorneys

Overwhelmed with debt and afraid you'll lose everything? Contact us today! We work as a team to improve your financial situation and reduce your stress. You are not alone. Our staff is experienced and friendly. We listen so we can help you reach your individual goal. Free consultation and payment plans are available.

Lesley T. Abbott and Carl L. Griffin are dedicated to giving Central Florida residents affordable assistance with financial issues while maintaining the highest levels of excellence and professionalism. We represent consumers filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition.

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13

Chapter 7 is a "Straight Liquidation." In a Chapter 7, we can usually eliminate unsecured debts, such as credit cards, medical bills, repossession deficiencies and signature loans, which allows you to get a fresh start and financial independence. Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition allows you to keep exempt property up to a certain value including the family home, car, and household possessions.

Chapter 13 is a "Debt Consolidation," or "Wage Earners Plan." Chapter 13 is primarily designed to allow you to stop foreclosures and repossessions, and it allows you to make up the back payments in a 36 to 60 month plan. In a Chapter 13, we can also consolidate other bills, such as your car payment, whereby you may be able to pay the value of the car and not the loan balance. Other debt that can be consolidated includes tax debts, student loans and child support or alimony arrears.

NOTE: Filing either a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition stops all phone calls and legal action from creditors.